5 Hidden Diseases That are Accompanied by Cracks in the Heels

Diseases indicated by cracks in the heels

If you rub a heel with a pumice stone to get rid of cracks, but they do not pass, there is a reason to consult a doctor. What you attribute to uncomfortable shoes and dry skin can be a symptom of a serious illness. Doctors call five diseases that may be accompanied by cracks in the heels. 

5 diseases indicated by cracks in the heels

  1. Varicose veins

Cracks in the heels are one of the symptoms of latent varicose veins. Swollen veins can be deep under the skin and will not be visible. In this case, there is a blockage of blood vessels, the skin on the feet does not receive nutrition and begins to crack. Podiatrist Miranda states that hidden varicose veins cannot be completely eliminated. But treatment should be started as early as possible to prevent complications.

To strengthen the vessels, doctors recommend taking routine. Sources of vitamin P are mainly white peel and interlobular part of citrus fruits. There is also a lot of it in raspberries, black currants, rose hips. Be sure to eat cabbage, tomatoes, parsley, dill. Vitamin P is found in large quantities in buckwheat.

You should also supplement your diet with products containing vitamin C: blackcurrant, kiwi, bell pepper. Ascorbic acid strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps reduce edema.

  1. Renal failure

It would seem that common to cracks in the heels and kidneys? But there is still a connection. With the renal failure in the blood, the level of urea rises. It interferes with normal blood circulation. Therefore, the skin becomes dry, the heels crack.

With kidney failure, it is important to eat right. Urea in the blood indicates that there is too much protein in the body. Therefore, its use should be reduced.

  1. Uncompensated diabetes

Decompensated diabetes is a condition of the body in which the patient has a consistently high level of glucose in the blood and there is no effect of treatment. In this condition, the skin on the foot looks like dry, cracked ground. Cracks are usually deep. Also, pay attention to your toes. Between them, watery blisters may appear that burst. Also, age spots appear. In this case, you need to pass tests and consult a doctor.

  1. Mycosis

Mycosis is a fungus, in simple terms. If it affects the heels, then cracks may occur. The fungus first destroys the upper layer of the skin, eventually penetrating deeper. The cover around the recesses may turn white or green. The main thing is to start treatment.

Consult a doctor who will prescribe you internal and external use of drugs. And you, in turn, can add products that have antibacterial and antifungal properties to your diet: garlic, spinach and rose hips.

  1. Gastritis

Almost imperceptible cracks in the heels may indicate gastritis. They are often mistaken for normal-dry skin. But here it is important to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms: cracks in the corners of the lips, as well as dry mouth and heartburn. We recommend that you see a doctor and change your diet.

If you notice dryness on the heels, proceed as follows:

  •     Get rid of uncomfortable shoes made of low-quality materials that are not suitable for size.
  •     Perform regular hygiene procedures.
  •     Rest your legs periodically if you walk or stand frequently.
  •     Moisturize your heels with creams.

If you followed all measures to prevent cracks, but they still appeared, consult a doctor. Timely treatment can save you from illness or complications. You can use 5 Best Essential Oils For Cracked Heels to cure them as well.

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