How to Lose Weight with Papaya?

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To detoxify the body and take care of our digestive system, we will follow the papaya diet two days a week for two or three months.

It has always been said that papaya is the fruit of good health. Of pleasant flavor, sweet and attractive color, it hides in its wonderful pulp a component called papain, able to bring us great therapeutic benefits for our body. But, how to lose weight with papaya? Do you want to know how?

Papaya is a tropical fruit known throughout the world. It is very easy to find it to be able to benefit from it. It is a great diuretic and antioxidant, has a high content of vegetable fibers, very few calories.

It also has a good supply of vitamins A, C, and B, calcium, iron, and phosphorus. And, if that were not enough, we can lose weight with papaya. We explain how to get it.

Losing weight with papaya

Sometimes it is difficult for us what type of diet to choose to lose weight. It is important that we opt for those that not only allow us to lose weight but also take care of our health. If you have any doubt, we can always consult with our doctor or nutritionist.

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The diet to lose weight with papaya is a restrictive diet. This means that for two days we will take a very careful diet that will end on the third day. The papaya is going to allow us two things: detoxify our body and burn fat.

It should also be noted that papaya is very suitable for all those who suffer from digestive problems such as diarrhea, gas, constipation, gastritis, as well as skin problems and even acne due to its healing properties.

And, according to the Control and Prevention of Diseases (CDC), thanks to papain we can benefit from all these therapeutic principles.

How to lose weight with papaya?

We will carry out the diet for two days a week. The ideal would be to do it for two or three months. In addition to losing weight, we will be able to detoxify our body and take care of our entire digestive system.


We will always look for fresh and not very ripe papayas. We will start the diet already at breakfast. The ideal in these two days is to take either a glass of soy or oatmeal, with two teaspoons of wheat germ or other cereal. In this way, we will have a correct supply of fiber.

Then we will eat a papaya salad. That is medium, we peel it and cut it into squares. It is a healthy and nutritious way to start the day.


For lunch, we will prepare a salad of brown rice. You can cook it with vegetable broth, to later, accompany it with tomato with pieces, a few spinach, some olives, a clove of garlic, and the juice of half a lemon. After this brown rice, we will drink the juice of papaya.

On our second day of dieting, for lunch, we can prepare a baked eggplant, and a small salad of spinach seasoned with olive oil and a few pieces of beet. Afterward, we will drink papaya juice.


For a snack, we can prepare the juice of half papaya with two slices of pineapple. We clean them well and take them to the blender to obtain a very homogeneous mixture.


For dinner, we will prepare a cup of prepared vegetable broth. For this, we can use onion, celery, lemon juice. For dessert, of course, we will prepare a piece of papaya.

On our second day of the diet, we can prepare a couple of artichokes. We cook them well and season them with a little vinegar and salt. We can accompany it with a slice of wholemeal bread with a little olive oil. To finish the dinner, we will serve a piece of papaya.

It may surprise you, but the seeds of papaya have incredible health properties:

Take care of our kidneys in case of kidney failure. It eliminates toxins and possible parasites from the intestines. It protects our liver, especially if we suffer from cirrhosis.

It takes care of the digestive system: papaya seeds have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition to this, papaya seeds have the ability to prevent the body from absorbing excess fats. That is, it acts as a regulator. So how can I benefit from them? How can I consume papaya seeds? It’s easy, there are several options.

There are those who choose to grind them or who prefer to consume them as if they were compressed. Ideally, at breakfast, we take between 8 or 10 seeds, you can chop them to make it easier to take them. If you combine them with a glass of grapefruit for breakfast, the combination is even better.

So, remember, if you decide to lose weight with papaya, you can follow this diet two days a week, for two or three months. Consuming papaya seeds at breakfast can be done for fifteen days in a row and then rest another fifteen days. What is easier for you?