The Power of Art: How Art Therapy Can Improve Your Life?

What is Art Therapy?

Reality is categorical: in order not to be left behind, it’s necessary to adapt quickly, to adapt to changing circumstances, conditions, requirements and to constantly change yourself. How? For example, to develop creativity. Although stubborn, it’s unpretentious – it requires only three conditions: security as an opportunity for change; creativity as a set of new ways for transformation; and a resource as something that contains the power for metamorphosis. Art therapy allows for the harmonious combination of these components.

On the Way to Yourself: How to Develop Creativity?


Art therapy is a complete metaphor. The technique is based on the belief that the internal “I” of the person is reflected in the visual images each time he or she draws, sculpts, creates a creative collage, not particularly thinking about his or her works, that is, creates something spontaneously. Such systems of symbols are understandable to the unconscious, and they allow one to quickly engage in the process of adaptation and healing without bringing the blocked traumatic material into the consciousness. Thus in symbolic form, we can express and live out our fears, anger, hopes and dreams. By presenting the content of the inner world in visual form, we gradually move toward its realization. The correction of an existing discomfort bypasses psychological defenses, with a minimum of pain and maximum pleasure.


Art therapy gives us the opportunity to nurture and develop creativity. The idea that creativity – the destiny of the elite, a myth. In fact, such a beginning is in all of us, but because of the characteristics of education, stereotypes and all kinds of taboos, it is either dormant, or a good sleep. The task of art therapy is to awaken and reveal potential. When creativity awakens in a person, it is unlikely that one will hear from him or her: “I’m in a hopeless situation, I can’t handle it. More likely, it will sound: “I’ll try again. Such a person has more choices, more strategies, a belief in himself and that he can handle any situation. In his life he is more likely to say: “I want to and I can.”

Creativity allows you to express true but deeply hidden feelings, allowing you to live them on a symbolic level. Art classes allow you to get in touch with your unconscious and talk to him in a symbolic language of images. In this way, there is a deeper acceptance of what was previously displaced: negative properties and experiences are given the opportunity to be transformed, rather than suppressed.

Being in the creative process gives us pleasure. These signals are read by our brain and psyche, and on a metaphorical level they give us feedback: “There is pleasure in your life, and lots of it. This is already therapeutic.


It happens that we don’t get everything we want right away. Especially when we do something for the first time or when we encounter a new area, profession, activity. We can notice this even when we are trying to implement a new betting strategy at 22Bet. But here is one attempt, second, third – and the result is already visible. Such successes give us confidence that we can cope with everything in life, no matter what happens in it.

When we sculpt, draw, play, we get into childhood, we get in touch and interact with our inner child, the one who is full of spontaneity and joy, the one who is open to experimentation. There are always a lot of resources in this contact: as children we are not burdened with adult responsibility, there is no pressure from society, we have the right to not know something, to not be able to understand something, to want something ridiculous, inappropriate. This is freedom, and it’s healing in and of itself.

What Kind of Problems Does Art Therapy Work With?

  • Intra- and interpersonal conflicts.
  • Crisis states, existential and age crises.
  • Traumas, losses and post-stress disorders.
  • Neurotic and psychosomatic disorders.
  • Development of creativity, development of personal integrity.
  • The discovery of personal meanings through creativity.

Healing Creativity, or How Art Therapy Helps?

  • It gives a socially acceptable outlet for aggression and other negative feelings. Working on drawings, applications, sculptures and other creative works is a safe way to blow off steam and defuse tension.
  • It helps to work through thoughts and feelings that people used to suppress. Sometimes non-verbal means are the only way to express and clarify strong feelings and beliefs.
  • It develops a sense of inner control. Working on sculptures, paintings, and creative collages involves ordering form, color, and structure.
  • It develops artistic abilities and raises self-esteem “A “by-product” of art therapy is the feeling of satisfaction arising from the disclosure and development of latent talents.

The Value of Live Communication

A large part of our lives today is spent in an online format, so that personal communication is almost a luxury, although for humans it has always been one of the most important values, with loneliness as one of the most difficult trials.

A person can not fully develop, being in isolation from people. The desire to interact with others is the earliest social need, which is formed in infancy and then reveals itself throughout a person’s life. The deficit in communication, especially acute because of the recent general isolation, can be filled. The format of group art therapy is well suited for this purpose. At such meetings, live contact with real people with the same interests, thoughts, feelings and goals acquires special value.

What Is Group Art Therapy for?

  • Creates favorable conditions for the development of valuable social skills.
  • Allows one to feel more confident, helps to present oneself more freely, to get rid of restrictions connected with difficulties in communication, problems in building contact with unfamiliar people and in communication with relatives.
  • Gives the opportunity to observe the results of one’s actions, to note their influence on others; to see how changes in behavior patterns affect relationships.
  • It helps to master new roles and identify new abilities, creates space for generating new ideas and develops decision-making skills.

Developing creativity among like-minded people empowers you to overcome the challenges of the era. Being among our own close ones, feeling and receiving their support, we learn how to transform our inner world based on personal desires and aspirations. We understand how we can build and strengthen the bridge of relationship between ourselves and the world around us. We learn how to be creators of our own lives and to enjoy it.