Unless you’ve been disconnected from social media for years, you probably know that composting is one of the eco-friendly trends that millions of people around the world have been trying, and it’s about time you got on board.
Netflix documentaries like Saspiracy, Cowspiracy, and all those streaming nature series have opened our eyes to the enormous damage we are causing to the planet, affecting the seas, harming species, and causing a climate crisis that could end up destroying us. But all of that is not just about leaving you depressed but also about showing that small actions matter and that you can make simple changes with big results.
One of those changes is to use your garbage to compost at home. What is it for? First of all, you don’t have a can full of stinky trash, but most importantly, it’s compostable, and it’s a way to take care of the environment without having to adopt a radical or extreme lifestyle.
Westside Compost and No Seas Waste, two platforms on sustainability issues, explain in their accounts (where they have step-by-step guides to make behaviors and all kinds of ecological changes) that compost is basically nutritious soil that arises from the process of decomposing organic material. and turn it into a nutrient-rich product that helps plants grow. The Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) says that it is created by mixing layers of organic matter that later undergo a process that mineralizes it.

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, but we all know that we must take constant and regular actions, and composting is a great way to start changing habits and becoming more aware of the waste we produce.
What Exactly is Compost?
First of all, you have to know that there are several types: dry compost, wet compost, the one that has poop from animals such as cows or horses, or the one that is hot. Each of these types is done differently, but they all refer to the decomposition of organic materials. It is a natural process that converts waste into compost or nutrient-rich soil that can later be used in gardens, forests, or all types of terrain that require extra help so that life can grow again.
Why should you Compost?
One of the most important points is that it will help you realize what you consume and the garbage you produce, but it will also help reduce it and prevent it from ending up in landfills that end up releasing even more greenhouse gases, which are harmful to everyone. living beings.
What you can and Cannot Include in the Compost?
- composting materials
- organic materials
- Vegetables and fruits
- Coffee grains
- tea bags
- egg shells
- Green leaves
- Grass
- dried flowers
- Dry leaves, wood fragments, and branches
- Newspaper
- Paper (shredded)
- Straw
Materials Not Suitable for Composting
- Plastic
- Glass
- Metal
- inorganic products
- Dairy products
- Sand for cats
- materials containing chemicals
- Labels or papers that have glue
- Flesh and bones
- diseased plants
- It is said that you should not use animal manure of any kind if the compost is going to be used on soil to produce food.
What do you Need to make Compost?
You’ll need a special compost bin (you can find them in different sizes, or you can use a closable plastic bin with some holes for the compost to breathe), plus a separate trash can where you can store all of your compost. the organic waste that you are going to use.
Next, you need a good carbon base, such as newspaper, straw, or dry leaves, and a dry place where your compost can rest.
- Place the compost bins in the shade.
- Place leftover food in a separate container.
- Return the compost to your own garden or pots once the cycle is finished.
- You should always have some kind of cover over the compost.
How do I make Compost?
- Place a bed of straw or other dry waste of 30 centimeters
- Add 15 centimeters of food waste.
- Add a layer of 5 to 10 centimeters of manure (the most common is cow manure).
- Repeat the layers in the same order.
- Keep the compost from drying out (you can add wet paper or cardboard, but not too much).
- Turn the compost after 15 days and then every week, taking care that the temperature remains between 50 and 60 degrees.
- You must maintain a balance between green materials (fruits, vegetables, coffee grounds, and eggshells) and brown materials (dry leaves, wood, cardboard, and paper).
- When it is ready, you can store it in a sack or take it to your garden and pots.