Anger is a normal, healthy emotion that helps you recognize and deal with dangerous situations. It is also a strong motivator for change. But anger turns into a problem when it gets out of hand.
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In a recent survey by the “Mental Health Foundation,” 28% of adults admitted that they worry about losing control when they are angry.

Even though there are many ways to show this emotion, from the most explosive to the continuous repression of this feeling, in the long run, it can lead to serious physical and mental health problems like depression and anxiety, and it can also cause your personal relationships to get worse and worse.
How to Control Anger?
There are a lot of ways to stop being angry. Be patient. If you stay the same and make small changes, you’ll soon see big changes. Here are some tips and ideas to help you get started:
1. Recognize and Manage the Symptoms of Anger
It’s important to know how anger shows up in your body. You might feel your heart beat faster, your muscles tighten, and your breathing speed up. These are the first signs that a stressful situation is making you act out of control.
2. If Possible Delay the Situation
It’s important to remember that I said “delay,” not “avoid.” Put off the situation until you’re in a better mood and can better handle your anger. If you don’t, it’s easy to say something you’ll regret in the heat of the moment.
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Counting to 10 while trying to slow down your breathing is a good way to help (it may help to make exhalations longer than inhalations). These methods will help you calm down and clear your mind.
This time out can be as short as a few seconds or as long as a few hours. It depends on you, the situation, and how much time you need to calm down so you can deal with it without getting angry.
3. Once Calm, Express your Anger
Once you can think more clearly and calmly, be clear and direct about your worries and needs, but don’t hurt the people around you.
It’s not about keeping your thoughts, feelings, and worries to yourself. Instead, it’s about sharing them in an assertive way, letting others know your worries and feelings while still respecting them.
4. Try Different Ways of Thinking
Most of the time, people get angry because they feel like they’ve been wronged.
Try not to think or say things like “That’s not fair!” or “You never listen to me” or “You always do that.” Instead, let these things go. These kinds of thoughts make you think about what makes you angry, which makes you feel more stressed and angry.
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In this way, don’t always point out what other people did wrong and use first-person phrases. For example, it is much better to say, “Lately, I feel like you don’t listen to me.” By putting the focus on yourself instead of the other person, the whole sentence changes. You still say the same thing, but you are no longer blaming the other person or attacking them in the same way.
5. Use Humor to Release Tension
Humor and laughter are great ways to get rid of stress, but don’t use sarcasm because it can hurt people’s feelings. Try to look at the situation from as many different points of view as you can. I’m sure you’ll find a fun way to see it.
6. Identifies Possible Solutions

Try to solve the problem instead of thinking about what made you angry. If your boss asks you to do something that can’t be done, try to explain to him why you don’t think it’s possible or ask him how he would do it. Focusing on your anger won’t make the problem go away; it will only make things worse.
7. Do Physical Exercise
Exercise is a better way to deal with anger in the long run. Exercise is a great way to get rid of pent-up anger, stress, and bad moods because it releases chemicals called endorphins, which can make you feel better. You don’t have to do a hard workout. You can do anything from running to yoga to meditation.
8. Healthy Diet and Sleep Well
Food is an important part of keeping a good mood. Neurotransmitters in our brains are affected by what we eat, and if we eat regularly and healthily, we can stay in a good mood, which can help us deal with the stresses of modern life in a big way.
In the same way, if you have trouble controlling your anger, you should stay away from alcohol and drugs. Getting enough sleep is also very important if you want to be able to relax and keep in a good mood.
9. Express your Emotions
Getting your feelings out can be a great way to release tension, improve your mood, and give yourself space and time to think more clearly.
You can show who you are in a lot of different ways, such as through painting, dancing, or just writing about what makes you mad.