We are mere minutes away from the official launch of the iPhone 14, the newest Apple product, and – as always – Tim Cook will tell us everything about this phone, describing all the new features (without a doubt using the word “revolutionary” more than once) and explaining why this device will be differentiated from the iPhone 13, being the option for all company fans and those seeking the most cutting-edge phone in the industry. This may not, however, be sufficient to convince the company’s followers to purchase the smartphone this year.
Will you buy the iPhone 14?
A recent survey shows that Apple fans aren’t happy with what they’ve heard about the iPhone 14. The vast majority don’t plan to buy the new phone, and one of the main reasons is that they don’t think it will be very innovative. They will probably keep using your old device for a while.
The survey was done by the betting site Time2Play with the help of 2,500 Apple fans who have used an iPhone for the last few years.
Based on their answers, only 9.5% said they would definitely buy the iPhone 14. This is only 1 in 10 people, which is a small number (although possibly enough for Apple during the initial launch). On the other hand, 58.8% said they would not upgrade their device in any way. This means that nearly 6 out of 10 people are sure they’ll keep using the phone they already have and might wait until the next upgrade to buy an iPhone.

64.9% of those who won’t upgrade their device said it was because Apple didn’t do anything new, which suggests that reports so far don’t sound convincing enough to get the device (since there have been no official announcements about what’s up). will own the gadget). On the other hand, 20.8% said it’s too expensive. The price of the phone hasn’t been announced yet, but Apple products are usually pricey, and the current global financial crisis could be reason enough. to not get the update.
When asked if the new astrophotography option (a camera upgrade that would make it possible to take good pictures of the night sky and stars) would be a reason to buy the device, almost 8 in 10 said that it is not worth buying the new one. phone, so Apple will have to come up with something really exciting to make people want to buy it.
Lastly, this survey is interesting because when people were asked if they would pay more for a phone made in the U.S., the vast majority said they would not. This could be about taking over the production of businesses in that country. But this won’t happen, at least not anytime soon. China is still the only place that makes iPhones, but India may start making devices for Apple this year to compete.
This is not a final answer about the iPhone 14. Even though the sample is small, it does give us some ideas about what people think. Tim Cook has not yet come out on stage to tell us everything new about the device and its price. Maybe then some people will be persuaded to buy it.